Many deaths have occurred over the years from faulty products. From all of the product recalls, both food and otherwise, it makes us wonder how these businesses are being run. For some people this brings them to the conclusion that corporations and big businesses are committing murder in some form or another. I do not believe that. It is like a gun, guns don't kill people, people kill people. The same can be said for corporations, just because a company is big doesn't mean that the products will be bad and kill people, it is the owners and CEO's who do not pay enough attention that causes faulty products.
There is a documentary called "The Corporation" that looks at all of the faults of a corporation, mainly how they have all of the traits of a psychopath. The video is of coursed biased, but it does show how something can get so big and out of hand, that the owners and CEO's are unaware of what is happening, or if they do, their reputation is at stake and they don't want to lose it, so lying is the best choice in sticky situations. There is some truth in that, but I don't believe that all corporations are bad, it all depends on how it is run and how proud these people are.
This brings us back to the main question though, can a corporation commit murder? The answer, in my mind would be no, a corporation is not a human being, it cannot think for itself or act for itself, all of the products depend on workers, supervisors, manager, CEO's and the owners, it is them who control what comes out of their plant or business, not the corporation.
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